情人节(又)到啦。。。可是也是刚刚过~ 没有伴的我 只能呆在家里看看烟火 T_____T 不知道什麽时候我才能和(他们)一样情人节的时候也能有人陪我搞搞浪漫 = =" 唉~ 看来应该要等蛮9的。。。 爱神啊~ 打救我吧!/____\
最后,还是祝大家 元宵节快乐 有情人终成眷属 幸福美满~ 农历新年也结束啦,希望大家 鼠年行好运 事事顺利! Good Night! ^3^
About Me

- ewei
- Earn money ah~ earn money~ Watch movie ah~ watch movie~ Eat buffet ah~ eat buffet~ Go travel ah~ go travel~ (=^.^=)miao~! get on on Facebook eewei@msn.com
21 February, 2008
20 February, 2008
Launch-ed !
Today I have already have my BLOG URL on my msn messenger. So erm... there will be more people viewing my BLOG... including those people.... I don't want them to read my BLOG = =" haha!! just kidding... I think there's nothing that I have to cover or secret in my BLOG "currently" . So everyone is welcome to visit and of course I would like to see more comments from you guys - who knows me and also new people. Tell me about yourself / your comment on my post(s) =)
17 February, 2008
今天我已经告诉某1我不能工作了,他很爽快的说 没关系啊 下次有机会再合作。 我听了就。。。很轻松啦~ 心情就 ^___^ 真好~
今晚我希望不要也应该不会失眠~ 因为我现在有点累。 等等就要去睡了 (敷面膜中)。。。。。。。
今晚我希望不要也应该不会失眠~ 因为我现在有点累。 等等就要去睡了 (敷面膜中)。。。。。。。
16 February, 2008
今晚。。。又睡不着了。 > ~ < 脑里面一直有事情跑来跑去,很矛盾 睡或不睡。最后, 我还是爬起来了。 我之前答应了某人1接他的工作 可是前天 又有某人2打给我offer我工作。 我觉得某人2的工作我比较想做。。。 那我就得打给某人1推掉之前的(我反悔了)今天我要打电话告诉他。。。 我在等天亮 T_____T (为瞎眯我比较想接某人2的工作勒?) 虽然2个都是周末的工作 一样的时间,可是某1的要持续做3-4个月 某2的是一个月。我不想被他的工作绑着,因为我可能难安排自己的时间, 某2的工作也离我家很近(我有上课 / 接其他的工作)最主要的是因为 他的薪水没很高啦 (我是不是很现实?) = = 拍谢啦。。。 换做是你,你会和我一样吗?应该会吧。
12 February, 2008
I'm DyinG...
~ " ~ sien ar.....sien......sien.....sien..... siennnn)))))) These few day got nothing to do at home, I'm going to die~~!! 》____《 eat and sleep, sleep and eat..... =0= help~~~~!!! Want to visit my friends they all semua bo eng bo eng bo eng bo eng....... working studying..... T______T someone help... i also want to WORK!!! job mali mali cali me.... friends mali mali call me.... everyone mali mali date me..... If not I'm going to be moldy and hang myself ( u .. u " )
06 February, 2008
大年初一 Dong Dong QianG !
GooD MorNinG! 今天是大年初一咯~ 哇来跟大家拜年了^^ Gong Xi Fa Cai~! 祝大家在今年有 "鼠"不尽的幸福 =)
Actually I plan'd to sleep till 12pm+ but .... this morning 10am+ got people Dong Dong Qiang = = I mean 舞狮, thats why I woke up earlier =.=" but nevermind I have enough sleep d. This morning I still thinking of my friend who went macau this morning. /_____\ Haiz, how nice if i can go also.... T__T but i also miss her.... long time didnt see her. Anyway, Happy Chinese New Year my friends and everyone~ ( ^___^ )Y
Actually I plan'd to sleep till 12pm+ but .... this morning 10am+ got people Dong Dong Qiang = = I mean 舞狮, thats why I woke up earlier =.=" but nevermind I have enough sleep d. This morning I still thinking of my friend who went macau this morning. /_____\ Haiz, how nice if i can go also.... T__T but i also miss her.... long time didnt see her. Anyway, Happy Chinese New Year my friends and everyone~ ( ^___^ )Y
Happy Chinese New Year 2008
今天是大年初一 ^^ 大家Happy 鼠年! 祝大家鼠年行大运 红包滚滚来~~
本来要来打文章还有把妈妈作的年饼(照片)PO上来滴,可是要用我弟/哥D电脑才可以因为我的电脑没software。 /_____\ 所以到现在都没上传。。。 好啦, 可能等我从老家回来再弄吧 = ="
刚刚去看了我好朋友的BLOG 他给我看他们毕业旅行D照片。。。 好羡慕哦~ 除了身边有很多朋友 还可以一起去玩。今天她又要和家人去澳门了。。。 想想我自己也很9没去旅行了。。。 好想哪天可以和她或者其他好朋友一起去玩 >___< 很9都没那种去旅行兴奋滴FEEL了。 先写到这了, 我明天要回家乡。睡觉了~ 大家姑奶~ ^^
本部落格 大开张!!
本老板娘A部落格 开张啦! 因为要在我好朋友D部落各留言所以就请了Google Blog咯~ 大家有空进来坐坐嘿~ ^^
My 1st BLOG。[我第一个,原来D部落格]
TVBS POP BLOG ===> http://popblog.tvbs.com.tw/blog/allaboutqueen/
My 1st BLOG。[我第一个,原来D部落格]
TVBS POP BLOG ===> http://popblog.tvbs.com.tw/blog/allaboutqueen/
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