Today I woke up erm.....10 something because there's a training at Menara Maxis at 3pm.... Then i took shower n get ready..... Suddenly stupid Joe sms me n say 2day training changed to 4pm ah.... = = wat.... i already miss my 4pm lecture d... now change to 4pm training.... how am i going to attend my 6pm class... Ask that stupid Joe again, he said will finish in 1 n a half hr...
On d way to KLCC, YeeTing ask me to bring her to Menara Maxis cuz she doesnt know where is the training place. Wow~ I saw her again, she's sweet ^^ meet 4 more girls there, 2 very tall 1, 1 pretty 1, another 1 cute 1 and yeeting sweet 1, me the normal 1....
Training starts.......................................................................... WalaoEh!!! no need go class d..... edy 7+ to 8pm liao...... ~"~ I called my dad.... " I still at KLCC..." He started to scold me.... XD my mood all hilang..... angry n sad.... stupid Joe...... Argh~~~~ \ _____________ / Hate u....
Then I rush back to Melati and my parents are there waiting me d.... We went to my place where I rent to pack up all my stuff. I'm moving out n not going to stay there anymore lo~
Then.... 9pm + only reach home. ~"~
About Me
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- ewei
- Earn money ah~ earn money~ Watch movie ah~ watch movie~ Eat buffet ah~ eat buffet~ Go travel ah~ go travel~ (=^.^=)miao~! get on on Facebook
31 March, 2008
29 March, 2008
Dont know since when.... i think is....this month gua.... started to feel tired, in my studies and also my life. Feel like having someone to rely on, a friend .... is better if boyfriend XD ! but I dont have.... T________T haiz.... 3 more weeks i will be relax and i hope i can also. Going to finish my diploma in TARC next month and then.... what can i do... during the long long holiday = . =
Tonight left me and little brother at home, parents balik kampung for Qing Ming edy lo, i think my brother went out havent come back yet........ a silent night ~..~
Tonight left me and little brother at home, parents balik kampung for Qing Ming edy lo, i think my brother went out havent come back yet........ a silent night ~..~
28 March, 2008
my 1st executive coat~
Yesterday I went to Sunway Pyramid with my parents. We went there purposely to buy a executive cost..... for me. = =" I just received a job which they need a classy look but the attire is not provided. Our attire are knee lenght black skirt, black coat / jacket, black heel... and a pink t-shirt, course our target is on working ladies and women.
They ask us to borrow a jacket from friends... but u know... we're student no1 has a jacket like that, not only student, even adults also dont have any coat. Mostly guys will have, but only some of them....
Therefore, I bought myself one from G2000. spent...300+ on that. Actually got another simply design 1 cheaper that this 100 ringgit.... but.... mine is just nicer than that 1... a little...bit more = = aiya.... really tak tau la. Since it is my 1st coat... I decided to get the more expensive 1 = = ha! TADAAA!! i spent almost 400 yesterday~~~ haha T_T nvm.... as long as... it is nice.... (expensive XD)
They ask us to borrow a jacket from friends... but u know... we're student no1 has a jacket like that, not only student, even adults also dont have any coat. Mostly guys will have, but only some of them....
Therefore, I bought myself one from G2000. spent...300+ on that. Actually got another simply design 1 cheaper that this 100 ringgit.... but.... mine is just nicer than that 1... a little...bit more = = aiya.... really tak tau la. Since it is my 1st coat... I decided to get the more expensive 1 = = ha! TADAAA!! i spent almost 400 yesterday~~~ haha T_T nvm.... as long as... it is nice.... (expensive XD)
25 March, 2008
Who are you?
I always wonder who's actually reading my blog over there.... Do I really have someone who always visit my blog and read every single post here. I do wish to have people that really read and drop comment on my post, and of course to make friends through Bloging. Let me know who you are, and share your story with me! ^______________^ leave me a message when you drop in~
24 March, 2008
Busy Daysss
Finally I'm here to update my Blog. After the Sg Wang Hotlink Anime Feast I worked for the same event in Timsquare again for last weekend. What I gain actually? Besides $ ... I got a few new friends and of course new experience. It was my first and second time on cosplay. Hope to get more nice and fun jobs in the future~ ^^
20 March, 2008
thank you Clarins, thank you Thomas, thank you every1
last 2 days things start going right and fine. Nothing big and serious happen... just lost my touch n go card days ago when I work. Haiz~
Let's see what happened today which make me feel better......
今天想说去逛街买eyeshadow 因为后天还有工作应该要用到黑色吧。。。就去Midvalley逛了很9 看了很多家结果我买了CLARINS的黑白眼影。可是比其他品牌的贵一点。。。因为如果我买那个加$20就可以拍照啦。。。所以就花了140买2个眼影+拍照。OK啦~至少我还开心,还认识了那里的photographer, William。遗憾的是我忘了去谢谢那里帮我化妆的Thomas, 真的好想谢谢他的说 帮我画了那么棒的妆!算是一个大胆的尝试 真不错的彩妆~ 我蛮喜欢的说
我看得出很多人也很喜欢 一路上都很多人看 >//////< 还有人主动跟我说很漂亮捏!感觉好棒 好酷哦~ 真的真的感谢化妆师 摄影师 还有editer 和 发型师。 我不知道漂不漂亮 可是就是蛮有型的啦。今天我终于美了 ^^ 今天真的happy 回来自己还拍了很多张 ^^ 先谢谢william他说会把其他的照片寄给我~
Fall in LOVE with beauty. Play with Colours~ the magic of makeup, the magic of beauty
Let's see what happened today which make me feel better......
今天想说去逛街买eyeshadow 因为后天还有工作应该要用到黑色吧。。。就去Midvalley逛了很9 看了很多家结果我买了CLARINS的黑白眼影。可是比其他品牌的贵一点。。。因为如果我买那个加$20就可以拍照啦。。。所以就花了140买2个眼影+拍照。OK啦~至少我还开心,还认识了那里的photographer, William。遗憾的是我忘了去谢谢那里帮我化妆的Thomas, 真的好想谢谢他的说 帮我画了那么棒的妆!算是一个大胆的尝试 真不错的彩妆~ 我蛮喜欢的说
我看得出很多人也很喜欢 一路上都很多人看 >//////< 还有人主动跟我说很漂亮捏!感觉好棒 好酷哦~ 真的真的感谢化妆师 摄影师 还有editer 和 发型师。 我不知道漂不漂亮 可是就是蛮有型的啦。今天我终于美了 ^^ 今天真的happy 回来自己还拍了很多张 ^^ 先谢谢william他说会把其他的照片寄给我~
Fall in LOVE with beauty. Play with Colours~ the magic of makeup, the magic of beauty
16 March, 2008
13 March, 2008
这几天到底是怎么了。。。。。。 真的不知道我该做什么,真的不能不承认我走衰运。 连续好几天都不顺利, 做什么事都做不好。。。 一波未停一波又起 坏事 霉运 一直往我身上冲过来。 学业不顺 事业也不顺 其他的事也不顺。 差点又出车祸,还好只是撞了一下 别人的车没事 我的就凹了。。。 再衰下去 我就不知道怎么办了。。。 生场大病躺病床好了, 把所有的事抛开 养病就好。 到底我做错什么是了 为什么要这样惩罚我? 这一辈子没这么衰过。。。。 好难过 好累。。。。。。。 无助。。。
11 March, 2008
心情糟。。。 真不爽!
昨天真的有够衰的,不知哪个破公司王八蛋 约了3点去fitting结果我到了 就说他4点才到。如果今天不行叫我明天来。。。 神经病哦~ 告诉他我明天没空 还一直说他4点会到。。 本大小姐4点也没空啦!试不了衣服是你们家的事 我已经照你们的时间到 你们却负约迟到。 是不想做还是怎样阿。 真是XX的不专业的王八蛋。浪费我时间 害我老远过去白跑一趟。@$^$4%$&^!! XXX!
昨天跑了一整天才回家累死了,晚上还要做完我的设计图。。。 <累> 只有现在才上来PO文章。。。。
最后还是要骂那87 XXX勒!吃屎呗你!!!最好是被老板骂 你这不专业的家伙 早点失业 也应该的!
昨天跑了一整天才回家累死了,晚上还要做完我的设计图。。。 <累> 只有现在才上来PO文章。。。。
最后还是要骂那87 XXX勒!吃屎呗你!!!最好是被老板骂 你这不专业的家伙 早点失业 也应该的!
09 March, 2008
Finally I finished my exercise 1 and exercise 2 still left colouring. Yesterday was really bad day for me. When I have almost done my exercise 1 my sketch flew out from window.... how can this happen!!?? Oh god~~~ = =" why..... what to do? Redo! T________T
Recently I feel that I got a lot of stuff running in my mind.... maybe because of assignments and I got to work for this coming days.... It's not really good to have to much work to do at the same time sometimes, even though I can earn $.
Sleepless Night........
Recently I feel that I got a lot of stuff running in my mind.... maybe because of assignments and I got to work for this coming days.... It's not really good to have to much work to do at the same time sometimes, even though I can earn $.
Sleepless Night........
07 March, 2008
faCiaL TreatmeT
Yesterday I went for my facial treatment at Airellis. I was a bit disappointed because when I went in their shop, a madam who was really polite and friendly gave me a consultation before my treatment start. During the treatment, well.... the beautician’s hand is... a bit rough, and I think the way she massage and wipe can be better ~..~ I still prefer those previous facial treatment compared to this, especially Cellinique, I miss it a lot. Anyway, the madam I can see she is a honest and straight person, from the way she praise me = =" because she told me "其实你的样子长得不错,只是鼻子有点扁" and I know she is honest. ~"~ I didn’t feel unhappy when I heard that, instead I feel .... ok....should be .... happy ..... because I know that she is parising me and er... it’s fact that I am..... haha! ^^" you know what I mean~
These days I also went a lot of interview for some part time jobs. Pretty lucky that I was selected for those jobs! What a good news it is~ but unfortunately I’m having my class during these 2 months... so I need to arrange my time carefully and I might miss some jobs also. Haiz~ / _______ \
These days I also went a lot of interview for some part time jobs. Pretty lucky that I was selected for those jobs! What a good news it is~ but unfortunately I’m having my class during these 2 months... so I need to arrange my time carefully and I might miss some jobs also. Haiz~ / _______ \
02 March, 2008
今天是我放假D最后一天了, 明天也该回去上课啦~ 这几天都没上来PO新文章, 我到底在干嘛勒? 我就是下载了一部旧连续剧,赵文卓演的《花木兰》 我记得以前还蛮爱看的说,最近因为看到文卓拍的新剧 《太极》 突然想起我小时候看的花木兰, 就叫我朋友帮我下载了 可是画质不是很好说。。。不知道哪里可以找到比较好的。
这连续剧我看了第2遍还是觉得粉好看呐! 有空的话 我会再看的。这次看了《花木兰》 越看越觉得文卓实在是。。。帅又卡娃已的啦! >//////< 我也有去搜索他的资料 才知道他已经“打”到去美国了。希望能看到他更多的作品。 ^_____^
本来今天就得回宿舍的我 现在人还在家,因为没人有这学期的时间表 也不知道明天到底什么时候上课 所以就明天再回宿舍 暂时翘课一天~ ^..^"
这连续剧我看了第2遍还是觉得粉好看呐! 有空的话 我会再看的。这次看了《花木兰》 越看越觉得文卓实在是。。。帅又卡娃已的啦! >//////< 我也有去搜索他的资料 才知道他已经“打”到去美国了。希望能看到他更多的作品。 ^_____^
本来今天就得回宿舍的我 现在人还在家,因为没人有这学期的时间表 也不知道明天到底什么时候上课 所以就明天再回宿舍 暂时翘课一天~ ^..^"
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