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16 May, 2008

I'm old = ="

WHY? Today Mr.Tony gave me a mind test... about our brain, how old is it? mine is around 30 years old at first = = oh my god.... how can!?

KENOT!!! try again n again ~"~ arghhhh~~~~~!!! Finally i got 27, 24, 22 ^0^ hohoho... but still older than my actual age... XD ~!

Then i sent to my brothers...one is 17 and one is 23. Aiya... my younger brother didnt really serious in playing that and he got 34... XD kakaka~! and my elder brother who is good in number since young... he got 22 for the 1st try !!! NO)))))))) Why I am so lousy?

OK~ another thing to tell so that can make u guys forget that I am old .... XD

I found this..... HOKKIEN? IKEA? IKIA.....

Isn't really funny actually...... but so many kia isn't really that easy to rmb all for those who duno hokkien = ="


Anonymous said...

haha.. pai kia here!

ewei said...

the whole world knew that =)